Shelldance Orchid Gardens Shelldance Gardens is proud to be a Partner and Park Steward with the National Parks Service/Golden Gate National Recreation Area. We are located within the park boundary at Sweeney Ridge Trail Head, overlooking the majestic Pacific Ocean.
Sweeney Ridge and Mori point Shelldance Gardens, a Park Partner and Park Steward
In the early years of the 1980’s–Michael Rothenberg discovered that Caltrans had
plans underway for an 8-lane freeway to be constructed, connecting the 380 freeway
by the airport all the way over the ridgeline to Hwy 1, the onramp to level our
greenhouses – yikes! Michael got busy, became active in the preservation of the
unique habitat and open space that was in our backyard. –
Shelldance hosted Environmental groups, had educational workshops and events
to bring awareness to the public for this special habitat that needed to be
protected for the benefit of a greater good Open space. Together the communities
joined in the cause for preservation over development, In 1987 Sweeney Ridge
was included in the GGNRA.
1989 --Hal Bohner and Michael Rothenberg formed a conservation group named
“Pacifican’s for Mori Point”- working tirelessly through the legal system to hold
developers accountable for the habitat destruction of the endangered San Francisco
Garter Snake. These legal actions laid the groundwork for the Pacifica Land Trust
and the Pacifica Environmental Family to acquire the property though public
auction for the preservation of one of Pacifica’s major landmarks –
For nearly 20 years Pacificans fought to protect this unique coastal habitat, success
came –
May 2002 The Trust for Public Land, the National Park Service, the Pacifica Land
Trust, the City of Pacifica and the State Coastal Conservancy, with special honored
guest Congressman Tom Lantos, celebrated the protection of Mori Point and its
transfer from TPL to the National Park Service. Mori Point was now included in
the GGNRA.
Shelldance continues to promote environmental awareness and provide
connections to nature for the benefit of future generations and a greener, healthier
Check out:, to find out more of the wonderful open space
habitats to visit in the area of Pacifica.